Other desktop tools
To help in your development process
The nRF Command Line Tools is used for development, programming and debugging of Nordic Semiconductor's nRF51, nRF52, nRF53 and nRF91 Series devices.
Important: The nRF Command Line Tools have been archived and replaced by nRF Util. No further updates will be made to the nRF Command Line Tools. Last supported operating systems are Windows 10, Linux Ubuntu 22.04, and macOS 13. The nRF Command Line Tools will remain available for download, but do not install the SEGGER J-Link version they provide if you have a newer version installed.
Available platforms:
Supports nRF51, nRF52, nRF53 and nRF91 Series
Flash utility
SEGGER J-Link support
HEX file merging
Create your own development tools
To help in your development process