nRF9160 系统级封装(SiP)



内置Arm Cortex-M33应用专属处理器、全LTE调制解调器、射频前端(RFFE)和电源管理系统。nRF9160是市场上最紧凑、最完整、最节能的蜂窝物联网解决方案。

集成调制解调器支持LTE-M和NB-IoT,可以在全球范围内运行,无需任何区域特制版。包括eDRX和PSM在内的所有节能特性都得到了支持, IPv4/IPv6支持传输和安全(TCP/TLS)等级。通过安全、加密的固件无线更新(FOTA)进行调制解调器固件升级。

Arm Cortex-M33应用处理器配备1 MB闪存和256 KB RAM,从而使得高级应用开发在单个设备解决方案中成为可能。



使用Arm TrustZone技术进行隔离以及保护固件以及包括内存和外设在内的硬件的安全,其安全性达到同类产品中的最佳。Arm TrustZone帮助构建可靠、安全的物联网应用,这种具有安全启动、可信任的固件更新和信任根的执行等特点,而且不会影响性能。

Arm CryptoCell通过提供密码算法和安全资源来帮助保护您的物联网应用免受各种攻击威胁,进一步增强了安全性。CryptoCell专为功率受限器件优化的高性能密码解决方案而设计。





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Key features

Fully integrated SiP for cellular IoT

Multimode LTE-M/NB-IoT modem with GNSS

700-2200 MHz LTE band support

Certified for global operation

Dedicated application processor and memory

64 MHz Arm Cortex-M33

1 MB flash + 256 KB RAM

Arm TrustZone + Arm CryptoCell

nRF9160 DK

Affordable, pre-certified cellular IoT development kit for LTE-M, NB-IoT, GNSS and Bluetooth LE. Perfect for evaluation and development on the nRF9160 SiP

Nordic Thingy:91

The Nordic Thingy:91 is a cellular IoT prototyping platform based on the nRF9160 SiP supporting LTE-M, NB-IoT and GNSS.

Power Profiler Kit II

The Power Profiler Kit II is an easy-to-use tool for measuring and optimizing power consumption for embedded solutions.

nPM1300 PMIC

Power Management IC (PMIC) with unique system management features

The nPM1300 is designed to provide highly efficient power regulation for Nordic’s nRF52 and nRF53 Series, as well as the nRF54L and nRF54H Series wireless multiprotocol Systems-on-Chip (SoC). The PMIC is also suitable for battery charging for applications based on the nRF91 Series systems-in-package (SiPs) for cellular IoT, by using the PMIC’s unregulated output to power the SiP's internal buck regulators.

Devices using the nPM1300 and a compatible SoC or SiP also get access to the Nordic Fuel Gauge, a highly accurate, ultra-low-power way of estimating state-of-charge of rechargeable batteries.