Harnessing Edge Machine Learning, From Your Wrist to Your Factory

Webinar | June 18, 2024, 8 AM PST / 4 PM BST / 5 PM CET


Join Thomas Søderholm and Alessandro Grande in a webinar where they explain the current status of AI/ML, and how you can create and deploy your own intelligent edge devices.

They will showcase various applications supported by Nordic Semiconductor and Edge Impulse, from wearables to the factory floor. In this webinar, you will learn how the Edge Impulse platform simplifies MLOps in real-world deployments. You will understand the advantages of edge processing with nRF5340 and the nRF91 Series from Nordic, and gain insight into what to consider when choosing wireless hardware and development tools for your edge use cases. The presenters will also be available to answer your questions at the end of the webinar.

Date: June 18th

Time: 8am PST/4pm BST/5pm CET

Duration: 60 minutes

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