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nRF21540 DB 開發組合工具包

低功耗藍牙®、藍牙®Mesh網狀網路、Thread、Zigbee及2.4 GHz專有協定範圍擴展套件開發組合工具包


nRF21540 DK非常適於開發需要nRF21540 RF 前端模組(FEM)所提供的範圍擴展能力或鏈路預算改進的產品。nRF52840 開發工具包與我們最先進的nRF52系列開發工具包有許多相似之處。板載nRF21540 RF FEM的TX增益可以透過GPIO或SPI來調整。藍牙®5.2 nRF52840 SoC和nRF21540 RF FEM搭配是低功耗藍牙®與我們支援的Mesh網狀網路協定(即藍牙®Mesh網狀網路, Thread或Zigbee)進行多協定範圍擴展套件的完美開發工具包。雙天線埠可用於基於802.15.4協定(即Thread或Zigbee)的天線分集場景,以減少多徑衰減影響。

nRF21540 EK相容Arduino Uno Rev3擴展套件板,可與Nordic的nRF52或nRF53系列開發工具包或其他裝置一起使用。它可以透過SMA連接器連接到實驗室裝置,以監測nRF21540 RF FEM的效能。

nRF Connect SDK是nRF21540 RF FEM的軟體開發工具包,它提供對nRF21540 開發工具包的板載支援。支援低功耗藍牙®、藍牙®Mesh網狀網路、Thread和Zigbee應用的軟體開發。它整合了Zephyr RTOS、協定疊構、範例、硬體驅動程式等等。


包裝盒內含一個nRF21540 DK和一個nRF21540 EK。nRF21540 DK透過Micro-USB電纜(不含)連接到電腦。使用nRF21540 EK需要一根SMA電纜(不含)。
訂購代碼: nRF21540-DB

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Key Features

nRF21540 DK

Versatile development kit for the nRF21540 RF FEM

Includes the nRF21540 RF FEM and nRF52840 SoC

2 x 2.4 GHz antennas for antenna diversity

Segger J-Link OB programmer/debugger

Arduino Uno Rev3 comptabile

1.7-5.5 V supply from USB, external or Li-Po battery

nRF21540 EK

Versatile evaluation kit for the nRF21540 RF FEM

Can be used with nRF52 and nRF53 Series DKs, as well as other devices

ANT1 and ANT2 ports (SMA) for antennas or lab equipment

TRX port (SMA) for connecting radio or lab equipment

Arduino Uno Rev3 compatible

Current measurement pins

nRF21540 RF FEM

RF front-end module (FEM) for Bluetooth® Low Energy, Bluetooth® mesh, 2.4 GHz proprietary and Thread and Zigbee

Supports Bluetooth® Low Energy, Bluetooth® mesh, Thread and Zigbee (802.15.4) and 2.4 GHz proprietary protocols

Tunable output power in small increments up to +21 dBm

13 dB RX gain with 2.7 dB noise figure

Two antenna ports for antenna diversity

TX gain control via I/Os, SPI, or a combination

-40 °C to 105 °C extended operating temperature range

1.7 to 3.6 V supply range

4x4 mm QFN16 package

Between 6.3-10x range extension when combined with an nRF52 or nRF53 Series SoC

nRF Connect SDK

nRF Connect SDK is a common software development kit for Bluetooth Low Energy, Wi-Fi, cellular IoT, Bluetooth mesh, Thread, Zigbee and Matter. It supports all our nRF52, nRF53, nRF70 and nRF91 Series wireless devices.


Power Profiler Kit II

The Power Profiler Kit II is an easy-to-use tool for measuring and optimizing power consumption for embedded solutions.