ANT development made easy
We offer development tools that make it easy to develop ANT products based on our SoCs. We want to enable you to build your product as quickly as possible, without sacrificing quality. We provide tools for developing code, testing it, debugging, and much more.
Desktop development tools
nRF Connect for Desktop
nRF Connect for Desktop is a cross-platform framework for development applications. It contains applications for testing Bluetooth Low Energy and LTE links, power optimization, programming and more.
nRF Connect for VS Code
nRF Connect for VS Code lets you develop, build, and debug applications based on the nRF Connect SDK using the VS Code Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
nRF Command Line Tools
The nRF Command Line Tools are used for development, programming, and debugging of Nordic Semiconductor's nRF51, nRF52, nRF53 and nRF91 Series devices.
nRF Pynrfjprog
The nRF Pynrfjprog is a simple Python interface for the nrfjprog DLL.
nRF Util
nRF Util is a unified command line utility for Nordic products.