nRF52840 System on Chip

Multiprotocol Bluetooth 5.4 SoC supporting Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth mesh, NFC, Thread and Zigbee

The nRF52840 SoC is the most advanced member of the nRF52 Series. It meets the challenges of sophisticated applications that need protocol concurrency and a rich and varied set of peripherals and features.  It offers generous memory availability for both Flash and RAM, which are prerequisites for such demanding applications.

The nRF52840 is fully multiprotocol capable with full protocol concurrency. It has protocol support for Bluetooth LE, Bluetooth mesh, Thread, Zigbee, 802.15.4, ANT and 2.4 GHz proprietary stacks.

The nRF52840 is built around the 32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M4 CPU with floating point unit running at 64 MHz. It has NFC-A Tag for use in simplified pairing and payment solutions. The ARM TrustZone® CryptoCell cryptographic unit is included on-chip and brings an extensive range of cryptographic options that execute highly efficiently independent of the CPU. It has numerous digital peripherals and interfaces such as high speed SPI and QSPI for interfacing to external flash and displays, PDM and I2S for digital microphones and audio, and a full speed USB device for data transfer and power supply for battery recharging. 

Exceptionally low energy consumption is achieved using a sophisticated on-chip adaptive power management system.

Key features
  • 64 MHz Cortex-M4 with FPU
  • 1 MB Flash, 256 KB RAM
  • 2.4 GHz Transceiver
  • 2 Mbps, 1 Mbps, Long Range
  • Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth mesh
  • ANT, 802.15.4, Thread, Zigbee
  • +8 dBm TX Power
  • 128-bit AES CCM, ARM CryptoCell
  • PWM
  • 12-bit ADC
  • NFC-A
  • USB 2.0

nRF52840 Modules

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
Abluetech PTR9818 48 22.7x17.5x1.8mm PCB
Abluetech PTR9818PA 46 24.3x17.5x1.8mm uFL+PA
Abluetech  PTR9816  46  19.9x13.7x1.8mm PCB 
Dexatek DK-9179B
30 25x17x2.6 mm PCB
ezurio (formerly Laird) BL654-Ant 48 10x15x2.2mm PCB
ezurio (formerly Laird) BL654 PA 48 10x15x2.2mm IPEX MHF4 conn
ezurio (formerly Laird) BL654 PA 46 22x10x2.2mm PCB + PA
ezurio (formerly Laird) BL654-Ant 46 22x10x2.2mm u.FL + PA
Fanstel Corp. BC840 48 7x9x1.5 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BC840M 48 7/10x12x1.5 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BC840E 48 7x12x1.5 mm u.FL conn
Fanstel Corp. BT840F 48 15x20.8x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BT840E 48 14x16x1.9 mm u.FL conn
Fanstel Corp. BT840 48 14x16x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BT840X 45 15x28x1.9 mm PCB + PA
Fanstel Corp. BT840XE 45 15x28x1.9 mm u.FL + PA
Fanstel Corp. BM840 32 10.2x15x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BM840P 32 10.2x15x1.9 mm Pad
FeasyCom  FSC-BT634  16  10x11.9x1.8  Ceramic
Fujitsu FWM7BLZ23-109172 30 15.7x9.8x1.7mm PCB
Hongjia HJ-840 48 6.2x7x0.9mm Yes/SiP
IndieSemiC  ISC-nRF52840-A  46  18x13.5x2.5 mm   PCB 
Insight SiP ISP1807 48 8x8x1 mm PCB
iSenseTek ISBLE1810-N52840CCA 48 18x10x1mm PCB
i-Syst IMM-NRF52840 (BLYST840) 46 14x9x1.5mm Chip
EB2840AA2 46 10.0x15.4x2.0mm PCB
KAGA FEI EJ2840AA2 15 5.1x11.3x1.3mm PCB
KAGA FEI EB2840MA2 19 10.0x 15.4x2.0mm PCB
KAGA FEI EJ2840MA2 11 5.1x11.3x1.3mm PCB
KAGA FEI ED2840AA2 19 9.6x12.9x1.3mm PCB
MinewSemi MS88SF21
20 23,2x17.4x2mm PCB
MinewSemi MS88SF23 20 23.2x17.4x2mm IPEX Connector
MinewSemi MS88SF31 48 18.5x12.5x2.0mm PCB
MinewSemi MS88SFA8 29 23.2x17.4x2mm PCB/IPEX Connector
MinewSemi MS88SFB8 29 23.2x17.4x2mm PCB/IPEX Connector
MOKO Smart MK08A 46 21x13.8x2.3mm PCB
MOKO Smart MK08B 46 21x13.8x2.3mm m.FL
Panasonic Industry Europe GmbH PAN1780/
48 15.6x8.7x2.0 mm
Panasonic Industry Europe GmbH PAN1770/
48 15.6x8.7x2mm u.FL
PROCHIP Co., Ltd PoT-nR240P 48 16.5x11x2.3mm PCB
Raytac MDBT50Q-U1MV2 48 15.5x10.5x2.05mm U.FL
Raytac MDBT50Q-P1MV2 48 15.5x10.5x2.2mm PCB
Raytac MDBT50Q-1MV2 48 15.5x10.5x2.2mm Chip
Raytac MDBT50Q-U1MV2 48 15.5x10.5x2.2mm u.FL Conn
Shenzhen holyiot technology Co.,Ltd Holyiot-18010-nRF52840 49 18x13.5x1.6 mm Chip
Skylab SKB501 20 17.4x13.7x1.9mm PCB or IPEX conn
Skylab SKB503 20 18.5x12.5x2.0mm
PCB or IPEX conn
SG Wireless Limited SGW1010/A 48 10.2x15x2.1mm PCB
SG Wireless Limited SGW1011/A 48 10.2x15x2.1mm u.FL conn
u-blox NINA-B301 40 10x11.6x1.9 mm Antenna pin
u-blox NINA-B302 40 10x15x3.5 mm Metal PIFA
u-blox NINA-B306 40 10x15x2.2mm PCB
u-blox BMD-340 48 10.2x15.0x1.9mm PCB
u-blox BMD-341 48 10.2x15.0x1.9mm U.FL
u-blox BMD-345 44 10.2x15.0x1.9mm U.FL + PA
Würth Elektronik eiSos Proteus-III / 2611011024000
17 12x8x2 mm
PCB + RF pad
Würth Elektronik eiSos Thyone-I /2611011021000 17 12x8x2 mm
PCB + RF pad

nRF52840 Modules (AT Command Modules)

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
Abluetech PTR9818  48  22.7x17.5x1.8mm  PCB 
Abluetech PTR9816  46  19.9x13.7x1.8mm  PCB 
Fanstel Corp. BC40 48 7x9x1.5 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BC840M 48 7/10x12x1.5 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BC840E 48 7x12x1.5 mm u.FL conn
Fanstel Corp. BT840F 48 15x20.8x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BT840E 48 14x16x1.9 mm u.FL conn
Fanstel Corp. BT840 48 14x16x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BT840X 45 15x28x1.9 mm PCB + PA
Fanstel Corp. BT840XE 45 15x28x1.9 mm u.FL + PA
Laird Connectivity BL654 PA 46 22x10x2.2mm PCB + PA
Laird Connectivity
BL654 PA 46 22x10x2.2mm u.FL + PA
Laird Connectivity
48 10x15x2.2mm PCB
Laird Connectivity 451-00002 48
10x15x2.2mm MHF4
Laird Connectivity 453-00020 46 22x10x2.2mm PCB + PA
Laird Connectivity 453-00021
46 22x10x2.2mm MHF4 + PA
Panasonic Industry Europe GmbH PAN1780-AT 48 15.6x8.7x2.0 mm Chip
u-blox NINA-B311 28 10x11.6x1.9 mm Antenna pin
u-blox NINA-B312 28 10x15x3.5 mm Metal PIFA
u-blox NINA-B316 28 10x15x2.2 mm PCB
Würth Elektronik eiSos Proteus-III / 26111024000
17 12x8x2 mm
PCB + RF pad
Würth Elektronik eiSos Thyone-I / 26111021000
17 12x8x2 mm
PCB + RF pad