Third-party modules/modems

Save time, money and get to market faster with pre-certified development modules

Pre-approved modules

We've saved you the time

Standards qualification and regulatory approval can be difficult and costly to navigate and complete.
Why not let someone else do the work for you?
A range of module suppliers offer qualified and certified modules/modems based on Nordic Semiconductor technology.

3rd party Bluetooth low enegry modules with Nordic SoC onboard

Meeting wireless standards

To get a Bluetooth or other wireless product on the market, there are a range of qualifications and approvals you will need to meet to prove that the product meets wireless standards.

A costly process

This qualification involves both testing and paperwork, which can be relatively complex and costly for those unfamiliar with the process.
Approvals under wireless and tele regulatory standards cannot be obtained on IC's alone, they can only be acquired for complete products or sub-systems/modules/modems.

Third-party options

Based on Nordic technology

Solutions based on Nordic technology

Today, many of the world’s best-known module manufacturers offer modules/modems based on Nordic technology.
These modules/modems are available with the necessary external circuitry and are either partly or fully qualified (with/without integrated antenna) towards relevant wireless standards.

Your options
The products presented on this page are from 3rd party companies using Nordic IC technology, and so must be purchased through the sales networks of these companies.
Please use the external links provided to find more information on features, MoQ, sales channels and pricing.

Since chip-down designs are complex and heavy on certification effort in cellular, Nordic provides a preapproved module. The current list of certifications achieved for the nRF9160 can be found here. To further simplify integration into a product, some 3rd parties offer cellular “modems” that are assemblies that are preapproved as end-products. They can be found in a list below.


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Bluetooth Low Energy

Networking and Connectivity/AT command


Cellular IoT

Bluetooth Low Energy Modules

Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth LE Audio, Bluetooth Mesh, Bluetooth Direction Finding, Thread, Zigbee

These modules are based on System-on-Chip (SoC) ICs from Nordic Semiconductor's nRF51 Series, nRF52 Series, nRF53 Series, or nRF54L Series.

Just like on the SoCs these modules offer you code space for your application as well as access to the ARM® Cortex™ M0, M4 or M33 processor and peripherals of the device used. 

By using these modules you can leverage all the strengths of Nordic's SoC hardware and software architecture and make a 'single module product' without the need for an additional microcontroller to run your application.

nRF54L15 Modules

The status of the module will vary. Please contact the individual supplier on availability.

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
Abluetech PTR5415 31 13 x 18 x 1.8 mm PCB 
Abluetech PTR5415X 31 13 x 14 x 1.8mm uFL 
BoBlinker BB900F  32 13.5 x 24.5 x1.75 mm  PCB 
ezurio (formerly Laird) BL54L15 (453-00001) 31 10 x 14 x 1.6 mm
ezurio (formerly Laird) BL54L15 (453-00044) 31 10 x 14 x 1.6 mm MHF4 
ezurio (formerly Laird) BL54L15µ (453-0023) 32 6.3 x 7.9 x 1.75 mm Chip 
ezurio (formerly Laird) BL54L15µ (453-0024) 32 6.3 x 7.9 x 1.75 mm
Trace pin 
Fanstel Corp. BM15C 32 10.0 x 15.8 x 2.0 mm Chip 
Fanstel Corp. BM15E 32 10.0 x 14.0 x 2.0 mm uFL 
Fanstel Corp. BM15M 32 10.0 x 14.0 x 2.0 mm PCB 
Fanstel Corp. BC15M 30 6.0 x 9.6 x 2.0 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BC15P 30 6.0 x 6.5 x 2.0 mm Pads 
Fanstel Corp. BC15C 30 6.0 x 12.4 x 2.0 mm Chip 
Feasycom  BT8302FI  24  12 x 15 x 2.4 mm  PCB 
Holyiot Technology HOLYIOT-24005-NRF54L15 29  24.04 x 15.63 x 2.3 mm PCB 
Insight SiP ISP2454 32 8.0 x 8.0 x 1.0 mm Integrated 
ES4L15BA1 14 3.25 x 8.55 x 1.0 mm PCB 
KAGA FEI EC4L15BA1 29 9.6 x 12.9 x 2.0 mm PCB 
MinewSemi ME54BS01 19 23.2 x 17.4 x 2.0 mm  PCB 
MOKO Smart  MK19A  28  13.8 x 21 x 2.3 mm  PCB 
MOKO Smart  MK19B 28  13.8 x 21 x 2.3 mm  uFL 
Panasonic Industry PAN B511-1x 32  10.35 x 9.8 x 1.9 mm  Chip or Pad 
Raytac AN54L15Q-P 31 9.5 x 13.7 x 2.05 mm PCB 
Raytac AN54L15Q 31 9.5 x 13.7 x 2.05 mm Chip 
Raytac AN54L15Q-U 31 9.5 x 14.0 x 2.05 mm uFL
u-blox NORA-B201 31 10.4 x 11.2 x 1.9 mm Pin 
u-blox NORA-B206 31 10.4 x 14.3 x 1.9 mm PCB 

nRF54L10 Modules

The status of the module will vary. Please contact the individual supplier on availability.

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
ezurio (formerly Laird) BL54L10 (453-00225) 31 10 x 14 x 1.6 mm
ezurio (formerly Laird) BL54L10 (453-00226) 31 10 x 14 x 1.6 mm MHF4
u-blox NORA-B211 31 10.4 × 11.2 × 1.9 mm Pin
u-blox NORA-B216 31 10.4 × 14.3 × 1.9 mm PCB
u-blox NORA-B261 26 10.4 × 11.2 × 1.9 mm Pin
u-blox NORA-B266 26 10.4 × 14.3 × 1.9 mm PCB

nRF54L05 Modules

The status of the module will vary. Please contact the individual supplier on availability.

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
Fanstel BM05M 32 14 x 10 x 2 mm
Fanstel BM05C 32 15.8 x 10 x 2 mm Chip
u-blox NORA-B221 31 10.4 × 11.2 × 1.9 mm Pin
u-blox NORA-B226 31 10.4 × 14.3 × 1.9 mm PCB

nRF5340 Modules

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
Abluetech PTR9840 48 24.6x18.6x1.8 mm PCB
Abluetech PTR9840PA 46 24.3x17.5x2.5 mm uFL
Abluetech STR40 38 12x6.6x1.4 mm Chip+uFL+PA
ezurio (formerly Laird) 453-00052 48 10x15x2.2 mm PCB
ezurio (formerly Laird) 453-00053 48 10x15x2.2 mm Pin
ezurio (formerly Laird) 453-00068 41 10x21x2.2 mm PCB + PA
ezurio (formerly Laird) 453-00076 41 10x21x2.2 mm Pin + PA
Fanstel Corp. BT40F 48 15x20.8x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BT40E 48 14x16x1.9 mm
Fanstel Corp. BT40 48 14x16x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BT40X 45 15x5x1.9 mm PCB+µFL+PA
Fanstel Corp. BT40C 48 8.4x12.3x1.5 mm
Fanstel Corp. BT40M 48 8.4x12.3x1.5 mm PCB
FeasyCom  FSC-BT631S  13  12x15x2.2 mm  PCB 
Holyiot Technology HOLYIOT-20046-nRF5340 46 27.2x16x0.8 mm PCB
Holyiot Technology HOLYIOT-21069-nRF5340 46 19x13.5x0.8mm Ceramic Antenna
Insight SiP ISP2053
46 8x8x1 mm
46 10.0x15.4x2.0 mm PCB
KAGA FEI EJ5340BA1 33 5.1x11.3x1.3 mm PCB
MinewSemi MS45SF11 48 18x12.5x2 mm PCB
MOKO Smart MK13A 46 21x13.8x2.3 mm PCB
MOKO Smart MK13B 46 21x13.8x2.3 mm µ.FL
Rayson BTM-N340D 48 13x16.5x2.5 mm UFL Connector
Raytac MDBT53-P1M
48 9.3x14.3x1.6 mm PCB
Raytac MDBT53-1M 48 9.3x14.3x1.9 mm Chip
Raytac MDBT53-U1M
48 9.3x14.3x2.05 mm
Raytac MDBT53V-1M 25 7.8x 12.4x1.85 mm
Raytac MDBT53V-P1M
25 7.8x12.4x1.6 mm
u-blox NORA-B100 48 10.4x14.3x1.7 mm µ.FL
u-blox NORA-B101 48 10.4x14.3x1.7 mm Pin
u-blox NORA-B106 48 10.4x14.3x1.7 mm PCB
u-blox NORA-B120 46 10.4x14.3x1.7 mm µ.FL+PA
u-blox NORA-B121 46 10.4x14.3x1.7 mm Pin+PA
u-blox NORA-B126 46 10.4x14.3x1.7 mm PCB+PA

nRF52840 Modules

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
Abluetech PTR9818 48 22.7x17.5x1.8mm PCB
Abluetech PTR9818PA 46 24.3x17.5x1.8mm uFL+PA
Abluetech  PTR9816  46  19.9x13.7x1.8mm PCB 
Dexatek DK-9179B
30 25x17x2.6 mm PCB
ezurio (formerly Laird) BL654-Ant 48 10x15x2.2mm PCB
ezurio (formerly Laird) BL654 PA 48 10x15x2.2mm IPEX MHF4 conn
ezurio (formerly Laird) BL654 PA 46 22x10x2.2mm PCB + PA
ezurio (formerly Laird) BL654-Ant 46 22x10x2.2mm u.FL + PA
Fanstel Corp. BC840 48 7x9x1.5 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BC840M 48 7/10x12x1.5 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BC840E 48 7x12x1.5 mm u.FL conn
Fanstel Corp. BT840F 48 15x20.8x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BT840E 48 14x16x1.9 mm u.FL conn
Fanstel Corp. BT840 48 14x16x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BT840X 45 15x28x1.9 mm PCB + PA
Fanstel Corp. BT840XE 45 15x28x1.9 mm u.FL + PA
Fanstel Corp. BM840 32 10.2x15x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BM840P 32 10.2x15x1.9 mm Pad
FeasyCom  FSC-BT634  16  10x11.9x1.8  Ceramic
Fujitsu FWM7BLZ23-109172 30 15.7x9.8x1.7mm PCB
Hongjia HJ-840 48 6.2x7x0.9mm Yes/SiP
IndieSemiC  ISC-nRF52840-A  46  18x13.5x2.5 mm   PCB 
Insight SiP ISP1807 48 8x8x1 mm PCB
iSenseTek ISBLE1810-N52840CCA 48 18x10x1mm PCB
i-Syst IMM-NRF52840 (BLYST840) 46 14x9x1.5mm Chip
EB2840AA2 46 10.0x15.4x2.0mm PCB
KAGA FEI EJ2840AA2 15 5.1x11.3x1.3mm PCB
KAGA FEI EB2840MA2 19 10.0x 15.4x2.0mm PCB
KAGA FEI EJ2840MA2 11 5.1x11.3x1.3mm PCB
KAGA FEI ED2840AA2 19 9.6x12.9x1.3mm PCB
MinewSemi MS88SF21
20 23,2x17.4x2mm PCB
MinewSemi MS88SF23 20 23.2x17.4x2mm IPEX Connector
MinewSemi MS88SF31 48 18.5x12.5x2.0mm PCB
MinewSemi MS88SFA8 29 23.2x17.4x2mm PCB/IPEX Connector
MinewSemi MS88SFB8 29 23.2x17.4x2mm PCB/IPEX Connector
MOKO Smart MK08A 46 21x13.8x2.3mm PCB
MOKO Smart MK08B 46 21x13.8x2.3mm m.FL
Panasonic Industry Europe GmbH PAN1780/
48 15.6x8.7x2.0 mm
Panasonic Industry Europe GmbH PAN1770/
48 15.6x8.7x2mm u.FL
PROCHIP Co., Ltd PoT-nR240P 48 16.5x11x2.3mm PCB
Raytac MDBT50Q-U1MV2 48 15.5x10.5x2.05mm U.FL
Raytac MDBT50Q-P1MV2 48 15.5x10.5x2.2mm PCB
Raytac MDBT50Q-1MV2 48 15.5x10.5x2.2mm Chip
Raytac MDBT50Q-U1MV2 48 15.5x10.5x2.2mm u.FL Conn
Shenzhen holyiot technology Co.,Ltd Holyiot-18010-nRF52840 49 18x13.5x1.6 mm Chip
Skylab SKB501 20 17.4x13.7x1.9mm PCB or IPEX conn
Skylab SKB503 20 18.5x12.5x2.0mm
PCB or IPEX conn
SG Wireless Limited SGW1010/A 48 10.2x15x2.1mm PCB
SG Wireless Limited SGW1011/A 48 10.2x15x2.1mm u.FL conn
u-blox NINA-B301 40 10x11.6x1.9 mm Antenna pin
u-blox NINA-B302 40 10x15x3.5 mm Metal PIFA
u-blox NINA-B306 40 10x15x2.2mm PCB
u-blox BMD-340 48 10.2x15.0x1.9mm PCB
u-blox BMD-341 48 10.2x15.0x1.9mm U.FL
u-blox BMD-345 44 10.2x15.0x1.9mm U.FL + PA
Würth Elektronik eiSos Proteus-III / 2611011024000
17 12x8x2 mm
PCB + RF pad
Würth Elektronik eiSos Thyone-I /2611011021000 17 12x8x2 mm
PCB + RF pad

nRF52833 Modules

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
Abluetech PTR9813 40 24.3x17.5
Abluetech PTR9813+ 38 24.3x17.5 uFL
Dexatek DK-9179A 30 25x17x2.5mm PCB
ezurio (formerly Laird) 453-00059 32 6.3x8.6x1.6mm PCB
ezurio (formerly Laird) 453-00060 32 6.3x5.6x1.6mm Pin
ezurio (formerly Laird) 453-00039 (BL653 series) 42 15x10x2.2mm PCB
ezurio (formerly Laird) 453-00041 (BL653 series) 42 15x10x2.2mm Trace Pin
Fanstel BM833
42 10.2x15x1.9mm
Fanstel BM833F
42 15x20.6x1.1mm
PCB (high performance)
Fanstel BM833E
42 10.2x15x1.9mm
u.FL Conn
Insight SiP 1907-HT
30 8x8x1mm SiP
iSenseTek ISBLE1810-N52833ECA 48 18x10x1mm PCB
40 10.0x15.4 x 2.0mm PCB
15 5.1x11.3x1.3mm PCB
KAGA FEI ED2833AA2 19 9.6x12.9x1.3mm PCB
MinewSemi MS51SF11 20 9.8×8.4×2mm PCB
MinewSemi MS88SF21 20 23.2x17.4x2mm PCB
MinewSemi MS88SF23 20 23.2x17.4x2mm IPEX Connector
MinewSemi MS88SF31 42 18.5x12.5x2.0mm PCB
MinewSemi MS88SFB8 29 23.2×17.4×2mm PCB/IPEX Connector
MinewSemi MS88SFA8 29 23.2x17.4x2mm PCB/IPEX Connector
MOKO Smart MK07A 40 21x13.8x2.3mm PCB
MOKO Smart MK07B 40 21x13.8x2.3mm µ.FL
Panasonic Industry Europe GmbH PAN1782/
48 15.6x8.7x2mm Chip
PROCHIP Co., Ltd PoT-nR233P 42 16.5x11x2.3mm PCB
PROCHIP Co., Ltd PoT-NR233M 18 16.5x11x2.3mm PCB
Raytac MDBT50-P512K 18 8.4x13.2x2.1mm
Raytac MDBT50-512K 18 8.4x13.2x2.1mm Chip
Raytac MDBT50-U512K 48 15.5x10.5x2.05mm u.FL Conn
Raytac MDBT50Q-P512K 48 15.5x10.5x2.0mm PCB
Raytac MDBT50Q-U512K 48 15.5x10.5x2.2mm Chip
u-blox NINA-B400-00B 40 10x15x2.2mm U.FL
u-blox NINA-B406-00B 40 10x15x2.2mm PCB
u-blox NINA-B401 40 10x11.6x2.2mm Pin
u-blox ANNA-B402-00B 33 6.5x6.5x1.2mm Chip + pin
WiSilica Inc WIM2480E 18 16.60x8.0x2.41mm External Antenna
WiSilica Inc WIM2480C 18 22.50x8.0x2.95mm Chip

nRF52832 Modules

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
Abluetech PTR5638 14 19x12x1.8mm PCB
Abluetech  PTR5618  11  15.4x15.4x1.6mm  PCB 
Abluetech  PTR5618PA  11  15.4x15.4x1.6mm  uFL+PA 
Abluetech  PTR9618  32  22.7x17.5x1.8mm  PCB 
Abluetech  PTR9618PA  30  22.7x17.5x2mm  uFL+PA 
Abluetech  PTR5628  11  9.4x9.3x1.6mm  Chip 
Dexatek DK-9167 33 25x17x2.4mm Chip
Dexatek DK-9176B 33 25x17x2.3mm PCB
Dynastream D52QD2M4IA 30 20x20x2.7mm PCB
Dynastream D52QD2M4IA-A 24 20x20x2.7mm PCB
Dynastream D52MD2M8IA 24 14x9.8x2mm PCB
ezurio (formerly Laird) BL652-SA-01 32 10x14x2.1mm Chip
ezurio (formerly Laird) BL652-SC-01 32 10x14x2.1mm Conn
Fanstel Corp BC832 32 7.8x8.8x1.3mm Chip
Fanstel Corp BT832 32 14x16x1.9mm PCB
Fanstel Corp BT832XE 29 15x28x1.9 mm PA+U.FL
Fanstel Corp BT832B 32 14x16x1.9mm PCB
Fanstel Corp BT832F 32 15x20.8x1.9mm PCB
Fanstel Corp BT832X 32 15x28x2.0mm PCB+PA
Fanstel Corp BM832 32 10.2x15x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp BM832E 32 10.2x15x1.9 mm u.FL
FDK/Toshiba HY0020 16 3.5 x 10 x 1 mm SASP
FeasyCom  FSC-BT630B  13  10x11.9x1.8  Ceramic
Fujitsu FWM7BLZ20-109049 30 15.7x9.8x1.7mm PCB
Fujitsu FWM7BLZ20 30 15.7x9.3x1.7mm PCB
Fujitsu FWM7BLZ20-109062 30 15.7x9.3x1.7mm PCB
Fujitsu FWM7BLZ20B 30 15.7x9.8x1.7mm PCB
Fujitsu FWM7BLZ20B-109077 30 15.7x9.8x1.7mm PCB
Holyiot Technology HOLYIOT-21033-nRF52832 29 24.8x15x0.8mm PCB
Hongjia HJ-380 32 6.0x5.5x1.3 mm
Yes (SiP)
Hosiden HRM1062 32 13.5x22.2x2.7mm PCB
IndieSemiC  ISC-nRF52832-A  30  20x15x2.5 mm PCB 
Insight SiP ISP1507 32 8x8x1mm Yes
Inpixon MN03SWBLE/Swarm Chirp V3 4x 22x23x4.4mm RF Pad
Inpixon  MN03SWBER / Swarm UWB V3  4x  22x23x4.4mm  RF Pad 
iSenseTek Technology, Inc. ISBLE1506-P52832ACA 32 15x6x1mm PCB
iSenseTek Technology, Inc. ISBLE1810-P52832ACA 32 18x10x1mm PCB
i-syst IMM-NRF52832 (BLYST Nano) 32 10x7x1.6mm Chip
EC2832AA2 30 9.6x12.9x2.0mm PCB
15 5.1x11.3x1.3mm PCB
KAGA FEI ES2832AA2 15 3.25x8.55x0.85mm PCB
LAPIS Semiconductor Co., Ltd. MK71521(A)-NNN 30/32 9.7x13.4x2mm PCB
LEGIC Identsystems AG SM-6300 8 8x8x1.1 mm Pin
Lierda Science and Technology Group LSD4BT-E92 19 19x12.9x3.25mm PCB and pin
LINKIO SAS LIO52 20 21.1x12.7x2.7mm PCB
mcThings mcMod120 9 30.0x20.7x3.7mm PCB
Meshtek  MeshTek-H52  26  16x18x2.4mm  Chip+PA 
MinewSemi MS50SFB1
30 20x12x2mm PCB
MinewSemi MS50SFB2 30 20x12x2mm Ceramic Antenna
MinewSemi MS50SFB3 30 20x12x2mm IPEX Connector
MinewSemi MS50SFA1 13 15.8x12x2mm PCB
MinewSemi MS50SFA2 13 15.8x12x2mm PCB
MinewSemi MS50SF71 24 9.8×8.4×2mm PCB
MOKO Smart MK01A 22 10x10x2mm Chip
MOKO Smart MK01B 22 10x10x2mm µ.FL
MOKO Smart MK02D 30 21x13.8x2.2mm PCB
MOKO Smart MK02E 30 21x13.8x2.2mm µ.FL
MtM M905 26 6.5x6.5x1.1mm Chip
Murata WSM-BL241-ADA-008 22 7.4x7.0x1.0mm PCB and pad
Neurosense ELA106 26 7x7.6x1.5mm
32 16.5x11x2.3mm
PROCHIP Co., Ltd PoT-nR232P 32 16.5x11x2.3mm PCB
PROCHIP Co., Ltd PoT-nR232R 32 16.5x11x2.3mm u.FL
Raytac MDBT42Q-512KV2 32 10x16x2.2mm Chip
Raytac MDBT42Q-P512KV2 32 10x16x2.0mm PCB
Raytac MDBT42-512KV2 32 8.8x13.8x1.9mm Chip
Raytac MDBT42-P512KV2 32 8.8x13.8x1.9mm PCB
Raytac MDBT42V-512KV2 20 6.4x8.4x1.75mm Chip
Raytac MDBT42V-P512KV2 20 6.4x8.4x1.5mm PCB
RISENET RN52m 16 17.5x14x3 mm Chip
Shenzhen holyiot technology Co.,Ltd Holyiot-17095-nRF52832 11 9.4x9.25x1.6mm Chip
Telit BlueMod+S42 21 17x10x2.6mm Chip
u-blox NINA-B111-04B 19 10x10.6x2.2mm Antenna pin
u-blox NINA-B112-04B 19 10x14x3.8mm Metal PIFA
u-blox ANNA-B112 25 6.5x6.5x1.2 mm Chip + pin
u-blox BMD-300 32 14.0x9.8x1.9mm PCB
u-blox BMD-301 32 14.0x9.8x1.9mm U.FL
u-blox BMD-350 32 8.65x6.4x1.5mm Chip
Utovertek UTO-NBL-52 30 5.9x5.9x1.5mm No
Utovertek UTO-NBL-52A 30 5.9x8.9x1.8mm Chip
WISOL BTS100A 34 4.7x4.0x1.0mm No
Würth Elektronik eiSos 2608011024000 (Proteus-1) 10 11x8x2mm PCB
Würth Elektronik eiSos 2608011124000 (Proteus-1) 10 11x8x2mm RF pad
Würth Elektronik eiSos 2608011024010 (Proteus-II) 10 11x8x2mm PCB
Würth Elektronik eiSos 2608011124010 (Proteus-II) 10 11x8x2mm RF pad

nRF52820 Modules

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
Abluetech PTR5620/5620+                          
18 15.4x15.4x1.8 mm PCB
Holyiot Technology HOLYIOT-21052-nRF52820 16 15x9.2x0.8mm Ceramic Antenna
EC2820AA2 16 9.6x12.9x2.0 mm PCB
KAGA FEI ES2820AA2 12 3.25x8.55x1.00 mm PCB
MinewSemi MS44SF11 16 20x12x2 mm PCB
Panasonic Industry Europe GmbH
PAN1781 / ENW89857A1KF 16 15.6x8.7x2 mm
Raytac MDBT50-P256R 18 8.4x13.2x2.1mm PCB
Raytac MDBT50-256R 18 8.4x13.2x2.1mm Chip

nRF52811 Modules

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
PTR9611/9611+ 32 24.3 x 17.5x1.8 mm PCB
Insight SiP ISP1907 13 8x8x1 mm Yes (SiP)
Hongjia HJ-380 17 5.5x5.0x1.3 mm Yes (SiP)
KAGA FEI EC2811AA2 30 9.6x12.9x2.0 mm PCB
KAGA FEI ES2811AA2 15 3.25x8.55x1.00 mm PCB
M MK71511(A)-NNN 30/32 9.7x13.4x2 mm PCB
MinewSemi MS50SFB1 30 20x12x2 mm PCB
MinewSemi MS50SFB2 30 20x12x2 mm Ceramic Antenna
MinewSemi MS50SFB3 30 20x12x2 mm IPEX Connector
MOKO Smart MK06A 30 21x13.8x2.3 mm PCB
MOKO Smart MK06B 30 21x13.8x2.3 mm µ.FL
Raytac MDBT42Q-192KL 30 10x16x2.2 mm Chip
Raytac MDBT42Q-P192KL 32 10x16x2.0 mm PCB
RISENET RN52e 16 17.5x14x3 mm Chip
u-blox BMD-360-A-R 32 9.8x14.0x1.9 mm PCB

nRF52810 Modules

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
Abluetech PTR5610 11 15.4x15.4x1.6mm PCB
Abluetech STR10 15 5.2x5.3mm Chip/Ext
Dexatek DK-9176A 33 25x17x2.2 mm PCB
ezurio (formerly Laird) BL651 Series – 453-00005 32 14x10x2.1 mm PCB
ezurio (formerly Laird) BL651 Series – 453-00006 32 14x10x2.1 mm IPEX MHF4
Fanstel Corp. BT832A 32 14x16x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BT832AF 32 15x20.8x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BM832A 32 10.2x15x1.9 mm PCB
Holyiot Technology HOLYIOT-21043-nRF52810 30 19.8x15x1.0mm PCB
IndieSemiC  ISC-nRF52810-A  15  18x12x2mm PCB 
Insight SIP ISP1507 32 8x8x1 mm Yes
KAGA FEI EC2810AA2 30 9.6x12.9x2.0 mm PCB
KAGA FEI ES2810AA2 15 3.25x8.55x1.00 mm PCB
MinewSemi MS50SFA1 13 15.8x12x2 mm PCB
MinewSemi MS50SFA2 13 15.8x12x2 mm Ceramic Antenna
MinewSemi MS50SFB1 30 20x12x2 mm PCB
MinewSemi MS50SFB2 30 20x12x2 mm Ceramic Antenna
MinewSemi MS50SFB3 30 20x12x2 mm IPEX Connector
MOKO Smart MK05A 30 21x13.8x2.3 mm PCB
MOKO Smart MK05B 30 21x13.8x2.3 mm µ.FL
NST KNRF52810_E2S 30 15.9x19.1x2 mm PCB
PROCHIP Co.,Ltd PoT-nR210 32 16.5x11x2.3 mm Chip
PROCHIP Co.,Ltd PoT-nR210P 32 16.5x11x2.3 mm PCB
PROCHIP Co.,Ltd PoT-nR210R 32 16.5x11x2.3 mm µ.FL
Raytac MDBT42Q-192KV2 32 10x16x2.2 mm Chip
Raytac MDBT42Q-P192KV2 32 10x16x2 mm PCB
u-blox BMD-330-A-R 32 9.8x14x1.9 mm PCB

nRF52805 Modules

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
PTR5605 10 15x15x1.6mm PCB
Holyiot Technology HOLYIOT-21031-nRF52805 10 9x7x0.8mm PCB
KAGA FEI ES2805AA2 10 3.25x8.55x1.00mm PCB
MinewSemi MS46SF11 6 15.8x12x2mm PCB
MOKO Smart MK14A 8 12.1x8.9x2.0mm PCB
MOKO Smart MK14B 8 12.1x8.9x2.0mm µ.FL
Raytac MDBT42TV-P192K 10 5.8x8.3x1.3mm PCB
Raytac MDBT42TV-192K 10 5.8x8.3x1.3mm Chip
Raytac MDBT42T-P192K 10 7.2x11.2x1.8mm PCB
Raytac MDBT42T-192K 10 7.2x11.2x2.05mm Chip

Network / Connectivity /AT Command

A wireless interface for your application

Similar in concept to traditional RF modules, these modules act as pure modems handling the wireless communcation and offer your application control and communication through a pre defined serial interface. These modules add a wireless interface for your new or existing application, but will require you to include module-specific software libraries to your code base.

nRF5340 Modules (AT Command Modules)

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
Fanstel Corp. BT40X 45 15x5x1.9 mm PCB+µFL+PA 
Fanstel Corp. BT40C 48 8.4x12.3x1.5 mm Chip
Fanstel Corp. BT40M 48 8.4x12.3x1.5 mm PCB

nRF52840 Modules (AT Command Modules)

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
Abluetech PTR9818  48  22.7x17.5x1.8mm  PCB 
Abluetech PTR9816  46  19.9x13.7x1.8mm  PCB 
Fanstel Corp. BC40 48 7x9x1.5 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BC840M 48 7/10x12x1.5 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BC840E 48 7x12x1.5 mm u.FL conn
Fanstel Corp. BT840F 48 15x20.8x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BT840E 48 14x16x1.9 mm u.FL conn
Fanstel Corp. BT840 48 14x16x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BT840X 45 15x28x1.9 mm PCB + PA
Fanstel Corp. BT840XE 45 15x28x1.9 mm u.FL + PA
Laird Connectivity BL654 PA 46 22x10x2.2mm PCB + PA
Laird Connectivity
BL654 PA 46 22x10x2.2mm u.FL + PA
Laird Connectivity
48 10x15x2.2mm PCB
Laird Connectivity 451-00002 48
10x15x2.2mm MHF4
Laird Connectivity 453-00020 46 22x10x2.2mm PCB + PA
Laird Connectivity 453-00021
46 22x10x2.2mm MHF4 + PA
Panasonic Industry Europe GmbH PAN1780-AT 48 15.6x8.7x2.0 mm Chip
u-blox NINA-B311 28 10x11.6x1.9 mm Antenna pin
u-blox NINA-B312 28 10x15x3.5 mm Metal PIFA
u-blox NINA-B316 28 10x15x2.2 mm PCB
Würth Elektronik eiSos Proteus-III / 26111024000
17 12x8x2 mm
PCB + RF pad
Würth Elektronik eiSos Thyone-I / 26111021000
17 12x8x2 mm
PCB + RF pad

nRF52833 Modules (AT Command Modules)

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
Abluetech  PTR9813  40  24.3x17.5 mm  PCB 
Fanstel Corp. BM833 42 10.2x15x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BM833F 42 15x20.6x1.1 mm PCB (high performance)
Fanstel Corp. BM833E 42 10.2x15x1.9 mm u.FL Conn
Laird Connectivity
32 6.3 x 8.6 x 1.6mm
Laird Connectivity
453-00060 32 5.6 x 6.3 x 1.6mm Trace Pin for Ext
Laird Connectivity 453-00039 42 10x15x2.2mm PCB
Laird Connectivity 453-00041 42 10x15x2.2mm Trace Pin
48 10.5x15.5x2.0 mm PCB
48 10.5x15.5x2.2 mm Chip
48 10.5x15.5x2.05 mm u.FL
u-blox NINA-B410 28 10x15x2.2 mm U.FL
u-blox NINA-B416 28 10x15x2.2 mm PCB
u-blox NINA-B411 28 10x11.6x2.2 mm Pin
u-blox ANNA-B412 19 6.5x6.5x1.2 mm Chip + pin

nRF52832 Modules (AT Command Modules)

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
Abluetech  PTR5638  14  19x12x1.8mm  PCB 
Abluetech  PTR5618  11  15.4x15.4x1.6mm  PCB 
Abluetech PTR5618MS 11 15x15x1.6mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BC832 32 7.8x8.8x1.3 mm Chip
Fanstel Corp. BT832 32 14x16x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BT832XE 29 15x28x1.9 mm PA+U.FL
Fanstel Corp. BT832B 32 14x16x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BT832F 32 15x20.8x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BT832X 32 15x28x2.0 mm PCB+PA
Fanstel Corp. BM832 32 10.2x15x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BM832E 32 10.2x15x1.9 mm u.FL
Laird Connectivity BL652-SA 32 10x14x2.2mm Chip
Laird Connectivity BL652-SC 32 10x14x2.2mm MHF4
Raytac MDBT42Q-ATM 32 10x16x2.2 mm Chip
MDBT42Q-PATM 32 10x16x2.2 mm PCB
Raytac MDBT42V-AT 20 6.8x8.4x1.75 mm Chip
Raytac MDBT42V-PATM 20 6.8x8.4x1.5 mm Chip
Raytac MDBT42V-PAT 20 6.4x8.4x1.5 mm PCB
u-blox NINA-B111 7 10x10.6x2.2 mm Antenna pin
u-blox NINA-B112 7 10x14x3.8 mm Metal PIFA
u-blox ANNA-B112 11 6.5x6.5x1.2 mm Chip + pin
Würth Elektronik eiSos 2608011024000 10 11x8x2 mm PCB
Würth Elektronik eiSos 2608011124000 10 11x8x2 mm RF pad
Würth Elektronik eiSos 2608011024010 10 11x8x2 mm PCB
Würth Elektronik eiSos 2608011124010 10 11x8x2 mm RF pad

nRF52820 Modules (AT Command Modules)

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
Fanstel Corp. BC820 18 10x14.3x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BC820E 18 10x14.3x1.9 mm

nRF52810 Modules (AT Command Modules)

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
Abluetech PTR5610S 11 15.4x15.4x1.6mm PCB
Abluetech STR10S 15 5.2x5.3 mm Chip/Ext
Fanstel Corp. BT832A 32 14x16x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BT832AF 32 15x20.8x1.9 mm PCB
Fanstel Corp. BM832A 32 10.2x15x1.9 mm PCB
Raytac MDBT42Q-AT
32 10x16 x2.2 mm Chip
Raytac MDBT42Q-PAT 32 10x16 x2.2 mm PCB

nRF52805 Modules (AT Command Modules)

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
Raytac MDBT42T-PAT 10 7.2x11.2x1.8 mm PCB
Raytac MDBT42T-AT 10 7.2x11.2x2.05 mm Chip
10 5.8x8.3x1.3 mm PCB
MDBT42TV-AT 10 5.8x8.3x1.3 mm Chio

nRF8001 Modules

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna
Insight SiP ISP091201 n/a 12x8x1.5 mm Yes
Li Seng Tech Ltd LSN8001 n/a 23x33x1.8 mm Yes
Li Seng Tech Ltd LSN8003 n/a 15x22x1.8 mm Yes

Wi-Fi modules

nRF70 Series-based modules

Wi-Fi modules based on our nRF70 Series of Wi-Fi 6 companion ICs. They offer great Low-Power Wi-Fi capabilities. See them here.

nRF70-based Modules

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna BLE Chip 
Abluetech PTR7002 13 25.8x17.5mm Chip/uFL Non 
Abluetech PTR5302 35 23.5x23.5 mm Wi-Fi Chip/uFL
Abluetech  PTR5303  11  17x28 mm  Wi-Fi uFL 
Fanstel WM01M 3 12x17.2mm PCB Non 
Fanstel  WM01C  12x18.2mm  Chip  Non 
Fanstel  WM02C  12x25mm  Chip  Non 
Fanstel  WM02E  12x16.2mm  u.FL   Non 
Fanstel  WT02E40E  48  16x26mm  Wi-Fi u.FL/BLE u.FL   nRF5340 
Fanstel  WT02C40C  48  20.4x26mm  Wi-Fi chip/BLE chip   nRF5340 
Fanstel  WT02E40F  48  16x31.6mm  Wi-Fi u.FL/BLE PCB   nRF5340 
IndieSemiC  ISC-nRF5340-nRF7002 29  26x23.5x2.5mm  PCB + Chip  nRF5340 
MinewSemi  MS12SF18  29  27x23.5x2.4mm  Wi-Fi IPEX/BLE PCB   nRF5340 
MinewSemi  MS14SF1  13  22.9×15×3mm  PCB/IPEX Connector   Non 
Raytac  AN7002Q-P  48  18x11x2.2mm  PCB  Non 

Cellular IoT Modules

nRF9160-based modules, NB-IoT, LTE-M, DECT NR+

Cellular modules can offer carrier end-device certification and further simplified integration and regulatory certification compared to just the nRF9160SiP.

nRF9160-based Modules

Supplier Part # GPIO Size Antenna BLE Chip
18 50.8x22.8x10 mm µ.FL
Actinius ICR-BEE 14 27.84x32.5x10 mm
Avnet Asia Pte. Ltd. AES-CELLIOT-AVT9152MOD 23 26x28x3 mm µ.FL, BLE chip antenna nRF52840
Fanstel LN60E40F 32 42x30.5 mm U.FL nRF5340
Fanstel LN60E40X 32 42x37.9 mm
U.FL nRF5340
Fanstel LN60E833X 32 42x37.9 mm U.FL nRF52833
Fanstel LN60E840F 32 42x30.5 mm
U.FL nRF52840
Fanstel LN60E840X 32 42x37.9 mm U.FL nRF52840
Fanstel LN60E 32 42x30.5 mm
U.FL Non
Signetik M1-N1-XXX 11 25x33x4.5 mm
µ.FL Non

Ultra-low power wireless SoC

nRF52 and nRF51 Series