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Hello, I'm using two NRF5340 Audio DKs — one as a Gateway and one as a Headset — running the nrf5340_audio example. Is it possible to configure the Headset device to output audio via USB while maintaining audio input through I2S (LINE IN) on the Gateway? How can I integrate an external electret microphone on the Gateway to replace the built-in PDM MEMS microphone? Currently, I'm using LINE IN on the Gateway with an external microphone, but the audio is sent to the Headset as audio data. When output through the Headset, it is recognized as audio data rather than microphone data. I'm currently using an external DAC on the Headset device in this set up but I would like to use the NRF5340 to do this task instead. Thanks!
Hi, I'm using the nRF52840 DK with SDK 17.0.2. I've set selective_auto_ack to true , which should allow the use of dynamic ACK (or ACK payload). I have two types of data packets, one requires an ack, the other does not. Both are received in RX. For testing, I set noack = false for the repeated packet that requires an ack. static nrf_esb_payload_t t_payload = NRF_ESB_CREATE_PAYLOAD(0, 0xAB); void test_packet_timer_handler(void *p_context) { t_payload.noack = false; if (nrf_esb_write_payload(&t_payload) == NRF_SUCCESS) { NRF_LOG_ERROR("Test packet sent: %02x", t_payload.data[0]); } else { NRF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to send test packet"); } } Below is the RX esb_evt_handler , and the log confirms that the ACK payload is sent successfully . case NRF_ESB_EVENT_RX_RECEIVED: NRF_LOG_ERROR("RX RECEIVED EVENT"); if (nrf_esb_read_rx_payload(&rx_payload) == NRF_SUCCESS) { NRF_LOG_ERROR("Receiving packet: %02x", rx_payload.data[0]); nrf_esb_payload_t t_payload = NRF_ESB_CREATE_PAYLOAD(0, 0x42); t_payload.pipe = rx_payload.pipe; t_payload.noack = false; if (nrf_esb_write_payload(&t_payload) == NRF_SUCCESS ) { NRF_LOG_ERROR("ack setup done: %02x", t_payload.data[0]); } However,
Dear all, one of our products is a mesh light node, using NRF52833 and, as the firmware, the example 'Light Fixture' ( https://docs.nordicsemi.com/bundle/ncs-latest/page/nrf/samples/bluetooth/mesh/light_ctrl/README.html ), using nRF Connect SDK v2.7.0-rc1-04938c8d40e3. In many installations, such node is connected to ambience and presence sensors in order to 'modulate' the lightness level (hence PWM) to save energy. Unfortunately, we are suffering from random unexplainable resets with the following details: 00> [03:01:35.854,553] mpsl_init: MPSL ASSERT: 112, 1622 00> [03:01:35.854,553] os: ***** HARD FAULT ***** 00> [03:01:35.854,583] os: Fault escalation (see below) 00> [03:01:35.854,583] os: ARCH_EXCEPT with reason 3 00> 00> [03:01:35.854,614] os: r0/a1: 0x00000003 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x20006a28 00> [03:01:35.854,644] os: r3/a4: 0x00000003 r12/ip: 0x20000f78 r14/lr: 0x00050257 00> [03:01:35.854,644] os: xpsr: 0x01000018 00> [03:01:35.854,675] os: s[ 0]: 0x2000cb50 s[ 1]: 0x00000000 s[ 2]: 0x00000000 s[ 3]: 0x00023709 00> [03:01:35.854,675] os: s[ 4]: 0x00000070 s[ 5]: 0x00323131 s[ 6]: 0x00000001 s[ 7]: 0x200033a3 00> [03:01:35.854,705] os:
We can get BLE address in adv report: How to get mac address of nearby ble devices? - Nordic Q&A - Nordic DevZone - Nordic DevZone At that moment, peripheral not connected yet,I can't build address-conn_hande relationship. We can get the peer address through API call? Of cause,we can get it through defining characteristic or some self-defined protocol.
Hello, I am using a Raytac MDBT50Q (nRF52840) on a custom board , and I am trying to blink an LED, but it is not working. "I need urgent help as this is blocking my development. Any quick suggestions would be greatly appreciated!"
Hello everyone, I'm experiencing an issue with the AWS IoT Sample on my nRF device . Although I've provisioned the necessary certificates and configured my project to connect to AWS IoT Core, I'm now encountering error -116 during MQTT connection. Configuration Details (Redacted): AWS IoT Endpoint: Configured in CONFIG_AWS_IOT_BROKER_HOST_NAME (e.g., "your-endpoint.iot.region.amazonaws.com"). Static Client ID: Configured in CONFIG_AWS_IOT_CLIENT_ID_STATIC (e.g., "YourThingID"). Static IP: Configured in CONFIG_MQTT_HELPER_STATIC_IP_ADDRESS (e.g., "XX.XX.XX.XX"). (IP address resolved from AWS Endpoint) Security Tag: CONFIG_MQTT_HELPER_SEC_TAG is correctly set. Connect Timeout: CONFIG_AWS_IOT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS is set to a higher value (e.g., 1200). Certificates: Certificates are provisioned correctly (verified via AT command output). Observed Behavior: Despite these settings, the logs still show: [00:01:28.023,437] aws_iot_sample: Network connectivity established [00:01:33.023,529] aws_iot_sample: Connecting to AWS IoT [00:01:56.530,639] mqtt_helper: mqtt_connect, error: -116 [00:01:56.530,670] aws_iot: mqtt_helper_connect, error: -116 [00:01:56.530,700] aws_iot_sample: aws_iot_connect, error: -116 [00:01:56.530,700] aws_iot_sample: Fatal error! Rebooting the device. What I’ve Tried: Verified network connectivity. Confirmed certificates are
Hello, When using extended advertising with coded PHY, the advertiser address is included by default in the auxiliary packet (AUX_ADV_IND) on the data channels and not in the primary advertising packet (ADV_EXT_IND) with the flags set as highlighted in the picture below. To extend battery life, I need to include the advertiser address in the primary advertising packet by setting the Advertiser Address flag to "Present" and the Aux Pointer flag to 'Not present'. Since I'm in control of both sides of the connection and do not have additional data to send, this would reduce the number of bytes to be transmitted by 50%. Is there a low-level way to do this? Thanks in advance for any hint.
I am using VS Code IDE and have installed nrf Connect Extension and done with the installation part and blinky and few other samples. So, basically I just copied an available sample application titled "DMIC Sample" in the application samples. Added build configurations as shown in fig.1 below drive.google.com/.../view After running build I am getting following error. 1. "macro "_CONCAT" requires 2 arguments, but only 1 given" - In device.h file 2. "too few arguments in invocation of macro "_CONCAT"" - In main.c file drive.google.com/.../view I have tried running the same sample in other laptop too. But still same error occurs. It might be issue with the application sample itself but I need solution to it asap. Thank You!
I want to confirm these questions,hope someone can give me some explaination. 1) RADIO has it's own kernal which is some kind of MCU. I have looked through some doc on BLE chips, most of them are dual kernal:one for layers higher,and one for RADIO phy, is nRF52840 same? 2) Interrupt process structure. I did not find much info on this subject in datasheet(S140_SDS_v2.1.pdf): "6.1.8 Interrupts" "the peripheral with ID=4 is connected to interrupt number 4 in the nested vectored interrupt controller(NVIC)."--NVIC preseted. "6.8 EGU — Event generator unit" "or to handle a peripheral's interrupt service routine (ISR) execution at a lower priority for some of its events" "Up to 16 separate event flags per interrupt for multiplexing" All just mention,no so much details.I believe the whole structure is powerful. The most important thing for me is: Can I keep some interrupt not interrupted by other interrupt, or not delay
Hi, Very beginner to this so bear with me. we are testing an asset tracker which uses edrx. The asset tracker can receive a wake-up sms command. However the network support edrx but not sending SMS commands in EDRX. Unfortunately we need to wait for the device cycle to wake up and then the SMS gets delivered. This is not a viable solution. Any suggestions on how to wake up the device from edrx?