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22557 results found on DevZone


Bluetooth Low Energy electric motor enables rapid prototyping of robotic applications

The KeiganMotor electric motor employs Nordic’s nRF52832 SoC enabling users to wirelessly program and control robotic applications via partner app

Tags: Industrial Automation, nRF52832, Bluetooth LE, nRF52 Series



Nordic introduces nRF52811 SoC supporting Bluetooth 5.1 Direction Finding and other protocols for home and industry applications requiring broad connectivity options

Nordic nRF52811 SoC builds on the success of Nordic’s nRF52 Series
platform and brings greater levels of accessibility for applications
that would benefit from advanced wireless IoT capabilities such as
Bluetooth 5.1 Direction Finding as well as Thread and Zigbee

Tags: nRF52811, Bluetooth 5, Bluetooth LE, Arm, Cortex, Thread, Zigbee, Beacons, Smart home, Industrial Automation, nRF52 Series



Bluetooth Low Energy insulin injection monitor records dosage information and wirelessly transmits data to smartphone app

DIABNEXT’s ‘CLIPSULIN’ device attaches to insulin pens and employs Nordic’s nRF52832 SoC to wirelessly send recorded insulin injection data via Bluetooth LE or NFC.

Tags: Connected Health, Bluetooth LE, NFC, nRF52832, nRF52 Series



Bluetooth Low Energy connected ski boot integrates multiple force and motion sensors to help skiers improve balance, control, and technique

Atomic’s Hawx Connected ski boot employs Nordic nRF52832 WL-CSP SoC to run complex sensor algorithms and wirelessly report skiing performance metrics via smartphone app

Tags: Sports and Fitness, nRF52832, Bluetooth LE, nRF52 Series



Nordic Semiconductor nRF52 Series Bluetooth Low Energy SoCs certified under Alibaba IoT Ecosystem Partner program

The Alibaba IoT Ecosystem Partner program is built on support for the AliOS Things OS, enabling developers to reduce the time and cost of IoT application development

Tags: Bluetooth 5, nRF52810, nRF52832, nRF52840, Industrial Automation, nRF52 Series



Zerynth brings Python programming to Nordic Semiconductor’s advanced multiprotocol SoCs, accelerating IoT product development

IoT middleware enables developers to use high-level programming language to program nRF52840 SoC for rapid integration with sensors, actuators, and Cloud services

Tags: nRF52840, Bluetooth 5, Arm, nRF52 Series



Power management solution for Bluetooth Low Energy IoT applications reduces Nordic SoC sleep mode power consumption increasing battery life up to 10x

Nanopower’s ‘nP-BLE52 module’ can reduce the power consumption of Nordic’s nRF52832 SoC to 10nA in sleep mode and wake up the chip on a predetermined schedule or based on sensor threshold values

Tags: nRF52832, Bluetooth LE, nRF52 Series



Bluetooth LE air-quality monitoring solution helps lower risk of Covid-19 transmission 

Advanced Solutions Nederland’s AIRMEX employs the Nordic Thingy:52 to provide easy-to-use environmental sensors and wireless connectivity for pandemic management

Tags: Nordic Thingy 52, Bluetooth LE, Connected Health, nRF52 Series



Nordic-powered module collects and transmits electrocardiogram data

Bravechip’s BCL601S1 employs Nordic Semiconductor’s nRF52840 SoC to run its ECG algorithm engine and transmit the acquired data via Bluetooth LE

Tags: nRF52840, Bluetooth LE, Bluetooth 5, Connected Health, Sustainability, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Good Health and Well-Being



Bluetooth LE electric board allows watersport enthusiasts to ‘surf’ above water and control speed with handset

The Fliteboard, developed by Tekt Industries, employs Nordic nRF52832 SoC in remote controller and board for bidirectional wireless connectivity

Tags: nRF52832, Bluetooth LE, Sports and Fitness, nRF52 Series



DevZone - first 10 hits

nRF52805 BLE throughput sample

Hi Nordic Semiconductor Expert, I would like to measure the BLE throughput over nRF52805. Seeing BLE Throughput sample in nRF Connect SDK below, this SoC platform is not supported. Bluetooth: Throughput — nRF Connect SDK 2.8.99 documentation The build fails due to the Flash/RAM size overflow, and then I tried to built it on the nRF52832 build configuration. Memory region Used Size Region Size %age Used FLASH: 277020 B 512 KB 52.84% RAM: 61692 B 64 KB 94.13% IDT_LIST: 0 GB 32 KB 0.00% Then I used nRFKconfig GUI and then tried to reduce the memory size. Referrring to the following articles as well, I tried to reduce the memory but I could not reach the nRF52805 memory size. Memory Optimization with the nRF Connect SDK - Software - nRF Connect SDK guides - Nordic DevZone Memory footprint optimization Are there any methods to fit in the memory size (e.g.



Device firmware update (DFU) over NFC

Hi for DFU is bluetooth used by default. Your DFU app suports only using bluetooth to do a DFU. Do you have any tools to do a DFU over NFC? Or do I have to write a tool by myself? Thanks and best regards Markus



What is the correct way to close the BLE connection?

Hi, I have a central, where I want to close the BLE connection and restart the device. I have a button interrupt that does this: static void button_changed(uint32_t button_state, uint32_t has_changed){ int _err; if (has_changed & DK_BTN1_MSK) { printk("resetting the device.\n"); _err = bt_conn_disconnect(central_conn, BT_HCI_ERR_REMOTE_USER_TERM_CONN); printk("bt_conn_disconnect error: %d,\n", _err); bt_conn_unref(central_conn); central_conn = NULL; k_sleep(K_MSEC(1)); // reset the system //NVIC_SystemReset(); sys_reboot(0); } } However, when the device reboots. I get this warning and the scanner does not connect to the peripheral: The connection information is probably saved in a non-volatile memory, right? How do you properly disconnection the Bluetooth connection? Thanks for the help!!!



Setting Up Filter Accept List and Bonding for BLE Central Devices

Hi, Might be possible to answer the question in bold. Thanks in advance! We have many BLE central NUS (Nordic UART Service) and many peripheral NUS communicating with each other. The BLE connection should always connect to the same pre-configured BLE device and it should be a one to one connection. In discovery/scanning it should connect to the first BLE device it finds and always connect to the same device. When a button is pressed, you can clear the configuration and select a different BLE device to connect to. So I thought using Filter accept list with a BLE address would be perfect for this, but I could not find any examples to help me. I found the devAcademy Filter Accept List example ( Lesson 5 Exercise 2 ) and the peripheral_accept_list example but only for the peripheral but I want to do this on the scanner site as the



When set ADVERTISING_DURATION 180 sec, project resetted from main after elapsed this time

I run project on SDK17 central example and added some code for advertising. But when elapsed 180 sec, my project starts from main again. I suppose, when called end of advertising, error appears and due to this error I got reset my project. Project from example with just advertising- works properly. After 180 sec advertisig disapears. I copied all functions from this project to my central project and got described problem. What settings should I check ? Thanks.



Clarification on SPI Transceive Timing in nRF Connect SDK for RHS2116 Integration

We are developing on the nRF52 Development Kit (nRF52 DK) for the nRF52832 SoC. Our application involves a 4-wire pipelined SPI communication with the Intan RHS2116 chip. According to the RHS2116 documentation (page 30, Picture 1), the SPI connection is configured such that the RHS2116 automatically outputs data two command cycles after a command is sent. This means that by the time we reach the 3rd command, there will be output data on MISO that we need to receive concurrently as the master (nRF52832) transmits the next command via MOSI. Our challenge is with the nRF Connect SDK and Zephyr OS: specifically, it’s unclear from Zephyr’s SPI library documentation if the spi_transceive function performs read and write operations within the same command cycle, which is required to meet the pipelined data flow of the RHS2116. Could you confirm if spi_transceive in the nRF Connect SDK supports simultaneous read/write operations in



unable to remove the boot banners with mcboot enabled

With the mcuboot enabled, I'm not being able to disable the boot banners even by doing the below settings in prj.conf file. CONFIG_NCS_BOOT_BANNER = n CONFIG_BOOT_BANNER = n *** Booting MCUboot v2.1.0-dev-daf2946a0f07 *** *** Using nRF Connect SDK v2.7.0-5cb85570ca43 *** *** Using Zephyr OS v3.6.99-100befc70c74 *** I: Starting bootloader I: Primary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok=0x3 I: Secondary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok=0x3 I: Boot source: none I: Image index: 0, Swap type: none I: Bootloader chainload address offset: 0xc000 I: Jumping to the first image slot How do I disable this boot banner?



How I get the passkey value??

Hello. I would like to receive the passkey value that the user entered when pairing Bluetooth and modify it. Originally, it was said that if you enter "0000", you have to enter 6 digits according to the regulations to enable Bluetooth pairing. So if I type "0000" I want to add "00" and make it "000000". But I'm still a beginner, so I'd like to know where I can get the value and modify it. You want to modify passkey and use it in the function below that you want to compare with static_passkey.



How I changed the PASSKEY in NRF52832??

I want to change static_passkey from "000000" to "0000". But It doesn't work when I update changed code to board. I changed like below pictures.(000000 -> 0000) And this is the code of PASSKEY Please help me.



nRF52832 PC10040 Recommended Inductor is EOL

Hi Nordic Support, Reaching out as due diligence on this. We've been relying on the HK100515NJ-T for L3 (15 nH DCC inductor), the recommendation from PCA10040, in our design. The part has reached EOL and we're considering replacements for it beyond the ones suggested by Digikey. I would just like to know if there are any concerns worth considering when selecting this part beyond the 15nH 10% inductance and 50mA maximum current specified for L2 in series with it. Is there a concern with switching from ceramic core to air since this is a filtering inductor? Is there a limit to the DC resistance of the part you recommend staying below? Is there a reason you chose a part with 6x the current rating specified on the datasheet? Are you considering other parts going forward for the PCA10040 series? We're also considering as an alt. Thanks, -Carl

