Precompiled Wi-Fi Provisioning Service sample
for the nRF7002-DK
Selected version
2.8 sc_DownloadHWfiles_nRF5340DK 9E64803877CF4F1097843B3BB9B845B0|| wifi_scan_sample_ncs2.8.0.hex|
- Switched versioning of sample to align with nRF Connect SDK v2.8.
2.7 sc_DownloadHWfiles_nRF5340DK 028512A72AD648E88E10E264B80A897D|| wifi_scan_sample_ncs2.7.0.hex|
- For the Wi-Fi BLE Provisioning sample, use merged.hex for the application core and merged_CPUNET.hex for the network core instead of the earlier single combined hex file merged_domains.hex, as it is obsolete with sysbuild changes.
- Switched versioning of sample to align with nRF Connect SDK Version.
2.6 wifi_provisioning_sample_ncs2.6.0.hex sc_DownloadHWfiles_nRF5340DK 7CB9A1D748904C44BA6F4460FE08CE91|| wifi_scan_sample_ncs2.6.0.hex|
- No functional changes to last version.
- switched versioning of sample to align with nRF Connect SDK Version
2.5 provisioning_sample_ncs2.5.0.hex sc_DownloadHWfiles_nRF5340DK B872EBC5CB434E18B682987D354AC81E|| 7002DK_wifi_scan_sample_ncs2.5.hex|
This hex file is based on the "Wi-Fi: Provisioning Service" sample application from nRF Connect SDK 2.5.0
- No functional changes to last version.
- switched versioning of sample to align with nRF Connect SDK Version
Added hex file is based on the "Wi-Fi: Scan" sample application from nRF Connect SDK 2.5.0
1.0.4 provisioning_sample_ncs2.4.0.hex sc_DownloadHWfiles_nRF5340DK
This hex file is based on the "Wi-Fi: Provisioning Service" sample application from nRF Connect SDK 2.4.0
No functional changes to last version.
1.0.3 provisioning_sample_ncs2.3.0.hex sc_DownloadHWfiles_nRF5340DK
This hex file is based on the "Wi-Fi: Provisioning Service" sample application from nRF Connect SDK 2.3.0
It includes performance updates introduced in nRF Connect SDK 2.3.0.
No functional changes to last version.
1.0.2 provisioning_sample_ncs2.2.99_dev3.hex sc_DownloadHWfiles_nRF5340DK
This hex file is based on the "Wi-Fi: Provisioning Service" sample application from nRF Connect SDK 2.2.99 dev3
It includes performance updates introduced in nRF Connect SDK 2.2.99 dev3.
1.0.1 provisioner merged_domains.hex sc_DownloadHWfiles_nRF5340DK
This hex file is based on the "Wi-Fi: Provisioning Service" sample application from nRF Connect SDK 2.2.0
It fixes a bug on a previous version that is no longer available. This file is tested with the nRF Wi-Fi Provisioner app versions 1.0.1 for Android and 2.0.0 for iOS . Make sure you use the most recent version of this hex file.
1.0 sc_DownloadHWfiles_nRF5340DK
This file has been removed, it contained an error that made it not run properly with the current mobile apps.
Mobile App
works with the provisioning sample
nRF Wi-Fi Provisioner
Our nRF Wi-Fi Provisioner app can be used to provision nRF7002 devices to Wi-Fi networks over an encrypted Bluetooth LE connection.Works in conjunction with the Wi-Fi provisioning sample
Hardware files
for the nRF7002-DK