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nRF7002 DK 用于nRF7002 Wi-Fi 6协同IC的开发套件

nRF7002 DK是用于nRF7002 Wi-Fi 6 协同IC的开发套件,在单一电路板上包含了启动开发工作所需要的一切。这款DK带有一个nRF5340 多协议系统级芯片(SoC),用作nRF7002的主处理器。

该DK支持低功耗Wi-Fi 应用的开发,并实现多项Wi-Fi 6功能,如OFDMA、波束成形和目标唤醒时间(TWT)。


它可以通过SPI或QSPI与主机通信,并带有额外的共存功能,可与其他协议如蓝牙、Thread或Zigbee无缝共存。Nordic的nRF Connect SDK集成并支持nRF7002。

nRF7002是Nordic独特的Wi-Fi产品系列中的首款器件,将无缝结合Nordic现有的超低功耗技术。Nordic将数十年的超低功耗无线物联网和硅芯片设计专业技术带到了Wi-Fi领域。通过Wi-Fi 6,我们为物联网应用带来了更多好处,包括进一步提高效率,支持长使用寿命的电池供电Wi-Fi运行。



Download PDF下载nRF7002 DK产品简介 [PDF]






Key features

Supports Wi-Fi, Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth mesh, NFC, Thread and Zigbee

nRF7002 Wi-Fi Companion IC

nRF5340 SoC as host processor

2.4 GHz, 2.4/5 GHz, and NFC antennas

User-programmable LEDs(2) and buttons(2)

SWF RF connector for direct RF measurements

On-board SEGGER J-Link debugger/programmer

Arduino Uno Rev3 form factor

Pins for measuring power consumption

Precompiled Wi-Fi Provisioning Service sample

for the nRF7002-DK




  • For the Wi-Fi BLE Provisioning sample, use merged.hex​ for the application core and merged_CPUNET.hex​ for the network core instead of the earlier single combined hex file merged_domains.hex​, as it is obsolete with sysbuild changes.
  • Switched versioning of sample to align with nRF Connect SDK Version.



  • No functional changes to last version.
  • switched versioning of sample to align with nRF Connect SDK Version


This hex file is based on the "Wi-Fi: Provisioning Service" sample application from nRF Connect SDK 2.5.0 

  • No functional changes to last version.
  • switched versioning of sample to align with nRF Connect SDK Version

Added hex file is based on the "Wi-Fi: Scan" sample application from nRF Connect SDK 2.5.0 




This hex file is based on the "Wi-Fi: Provisioning Service" sample application from nRF Connect SDK 2.4.0 

No functional changes to last version.


This hex file is based on the "Wi-Fi: Provisioning Service" sample application from nRF Connect SDK 2.3.0

It includes performance updates introduced in nRF Connect SDK 2.3.0.

No functional changes to last version.


This hex file is based on the "Wi-Fi: Provisioning Service" sample application from nRF Connect SDK 2.2.99 dev3

It includes performance updates introduced in nRF Connect SDK 2.2.99 dev3.


This hex file is based on the "Wi-Fi: Provisioning Service" sample application from nRF Connect SDK 2.2.0

It fixes a bug on a previous version that is no longer available. This file is tested with the nRF Wi-Fi Provisioner app versions 1.0.1 for Android and 2.0.0 for iOS . Make sure you use the most recent version of this hex file. 


This file has been removed, it contained an error that made it not run properly with the current mobile apps. 

nRF Wi-Fi Provisioner

Our nRF Wi-Fi Provisioner app can be used to provision nRF7002 devices to Wi-Fi networks over an encrypted Bluetooth LE connection.Works in conjunction with the Wi-Fi provisioning sample

Hardware files

for the nRF7002-DK

