nRF Blinky is a simple mobile app for developers new to Bluetooth Low Energy.
nRF Connect for Mobile is a powerful mobile tool that allows you to scan and explore your Bluetooth Low Energy devices and communicate with them.
The nRF Toolbox is a container app demonstrating the following Bluetooth profiles: Cycling Speed and Cadence, Running Speed and Cadence, Heart Rate Monitor, Blood Pressure Monitor, Health Thermometer Monitor, Glucose Monitor, and Proximity Monitor. It also supports Nordic UART service.
nRF Connect Device Manager is a generic tool for updating and managing devices running nRF Connect SDK.
The nRF Mesh apps enables you to provision, configure and control Bluetooth mesh networks, to demonstrate a subset of the capabilities of the nRF Mesh open source libraries.
nRF Edge Impulse is the mobile app for integrating Nordic Thingy:53 with Edge Impulse Studio to create and run embedded machine learning directly on the Thingy:53.
The nRF Programmer app is designed to enable the easiest method of flashing new firmware to your Nordic Thingy or development kit, directly over the air. The app is currently compatible with the Thingy:53.
nRF Device Firmware Update is a mobile app for updating nRF5 SDK firmware using Bluetooth Low Energy as a transport.
The Thingy:52 mobile app complements the Nordic Thingy:52 IoT Sensor kit. It makes it possible to configure and interact with the Thingy out-of-the-box and can be used as a reference for your own app.
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