Unleash the full potential of Bluetooth LE Audio with Nordic
StalkIT is a simple to use tracking service, with a tracking device, an app to use on your smartphone, and a portal to see your active devices in a map.
In the video above, Einar Aaland from StalkIT demonstrates how position, temperature and movement of waste containers is tracked and reported with cellular IoT technology.
Current position as well as position history is reported to monitor every movement of the container.
The system allows geofencing with reports and even alerts drivers of potential issues, e.g. fire hazards by reporting environmental parameters like temperature.
"Right now, we are developing our second generation trackers, and we selected Nordics nRF91 as the CPU", says Einar Aaland, CPO of StalkIT.
"In fact, it integrates most of the functionality needed. When selecting which chipset to use we evaluated several solutions, and Nordic won due to high integration, low power, secure core so we can run SIM in software, GNSS and both NB-IoT and LTM narrowband, all in one chip.
We have long knowledge about Nordic as a radio and low power company.
Then they added a whole team of mobile expertise from Finland. Nordics products are very exiting and high quality."
Unleash the full potential of Bluetooth LE Audio with Nordic